About Moe

Maureen (Moe) Baun loved life, her family and friends and was always willing to give of herself with nothing expected in return. She suffered from MS for many years but was never one to complain about her condition. Moe was always more concerned about what was happening in our lives, catching up on the Braves and making sure we were all doing well. She was a mother and a great friend to many of us and we ride now in her honor with Team 4Moe. She is our champion to do good in this world and leave it a better place.




Meet some of our team members

Jim B.

President and Chief Chief of Chiefs





Dan C.

Vice-President, Team Televangelist, and Razzle Dazzler





Mindy C.

Media and Marketing Guru, Bicycle Guru, All-Around Great Gal and Guru





Jeremy E.

Treasurer and Financial Guy, Numbers and Stuff, Taxes… just typing this gives me anxiety






Web sloth. Beauty pageant loser. Hartford Whalers fan.